Saturday, June 28, 2008

C.S.I. (Classic Stolen Images)

I horde things. I'm not sure if it was a learned thing or an attempt to make up for some nonspecific inner need that sprung from my typical suburban childhood. My stepdad "Jim" kept (neatly of course) a collection of raw materials from which he would fabricate car parts for one of his project Austin Healeys. Nearly nothing was thrown away. Unlike him, my garage is a mess. Like him I throw almost nothing away.

Now being the horder I am, I'm also a self proclaimed "right-clicker." This means I steal and horde images from the web. I may never be able to afford that classic mint skateboard I saw on e-bay, but I can steal the image and maybe build my own from all the junk I have in my garage? Yeah right!

I hope you enjoyed these C.S.I.'s (Classic "Stolen" Images) More to follow I'm sure.

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