Quail Lakes Neighborhood Stockton, Ca.
Circa 1978
Old School set up:
Santa Cruz skateboard, ACS trucks, Kyrpto wheels.
I stopped riding ramps in 1982 then lost skateboarding altogether around 1984. Twenty years later the planets realigned and I found myself back on a board and loving every minute of it. Since then, I have met countless "Old Dudes" from all walks of life and from all over the U.S. who left skateboarding back in the day, only to recently return. I usually ask the "returnees" what brought them back: television, X-Games, Kids? The answers vary slightly, but the common threads in their answers are, "I always thought about it" and "because I still (suprisingly) can." I believe some folks were just born with a passion that is best expressed through the risk, danger, and glory that is skateboarding. We may have left for a bit, but in some way always stayed connected. Hats off and thumbs up to all the skaters that kept the fires burning long after we went away to become our parents. Now scoot the hell over brother because we're back! ~sc